The first day of school once again
Treadmill Treats Monday Message
First day of school once again
I am sometimes blown away at how fast time flies, it seemed like just yesterday that it was my baby's first day of kindergarten.
I blinked my eyes and now it's her first day of being a junior in high school.
I wonder where did the time go?
Being the second child it wasn't as traumatic on me when it was her time to go to kindergarten but it was just as sad.
I knew she was it for us, this, my baby was growing up and I would never have this again.
I was lucky that I worked from home while they were both young and I got to be involved in their school.
I was room mom every year so I pulled some strings to make sure she had the same wonderful kindergarten teacher her sister had two years before.
I wanted her first thoughts of school to be filled with a wonderful, kind, tough but tender, first teacher, shaping her life.
Mrs.Culver was all of that and more. She was bigger than life even though she was small in stature. She wore African outfits, including the head dress. She sang her lessons, she dance with the kids, she was patient and kind and even though she had so much going on in her personal life, she never brought it in the class.
It seemed that those kids just took all of her problems away and I know she did the same for so many of the kids who also had it rough at home.
My baby blossomed under this terrific women, she came out of her shell, she came alive with her teaching and she met her first two best friends, who are still her best friends all these years later.
This incredible teacher gave so much to my both children and I am still so grateful for being their first teacher.
I know I have two more years and then this one too will be flying the nest, off to college like her sister.
I cherish every moment with her and know that before you know that day will be here.
So today my friends, I want to thank all of those teachers out there, who shape our children's lives, to go above and beyond to make a difference and who no matter how many years have passed will always be remembered.
Be the change you want to see"
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