Yet again the signs are there...

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Yet again, there are signs everywhere

If you read my blog regularly, you know I am hard headed, yes I freely admit that. I can't get something once.... noooo.. I need it to hit me over the head time and time again before it sinks in.

So when I went to church on Sunday and the message was about Gideon, I laughed because I am a modern day Gideon.

See Gideon asked God for signs, and every sign he asked for, God showed him it that yes it was he, speaking to Gideon.
Over and over he kept asking and over and over God gave him the signs he asked for.

I asked God for a sign when I started this business, I wanted Groupon to accept me, as they had turned me down over and over, the next day they called and accepted me, but I asked for another.

Two days later at church someone I never met sat next to me after service she said she was a minister and that God sent her here to tell me not to worry, that this business I was starting will be great, I needed to stop worrying. Wth?
( yes, I said what you are thinking, wth?)

The following week I asked again and at service my Pastor talked about trusting God, that someone wanted to start a business and God was telling them to do it, but they weren't listening. 

Hello! Wasn't that enough signs? But, yet I still took another job opportunity even though I wasn't at peace with my decision.

So God closed that door right in my face, I was let go on my first day? Really? My first day?
And guess what? My phone hasn't stopped ringing in my new business.

Lately I have been struggling with something and even though I have had signs, two of my best friends told me to close that door and walk away, yet I can't...

They showed me the signs..but I am hard headed  (did you not read the beginning? )
And so when I went to church on Sunday the message was you need to let go of your past, it's expired and it's making you sick, it's expired for a reason because it's done, you are blocking your own blessings.

Hello...sign....big sign...same signs I've been hearing and not listening to!
But I know it is what I need to do...this is a door that needs to be closed...I keep opening it expecting to see something different but it's the same time after time...

So today my friends, remember there are signs, even when you ask over and over, they are there, yet you keep asking for more...realize they are there for a learn from them...this time I will be taking my own advice!

Be the change you want to see"

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