Blogger about me

I am a divorced mother of 2 beautiful girls, I am a writer, blogger and motivational speaker. I also own a Professional organizing business called Perfectly Organized by Francesca. I am trying to be a better person every day, some days I meet that goal, some days I fall short but I keep trying.

I write this blog to try to inspire others to never give up. We all have a story, some of our stories are harder than others, but its how you deal with the cards that life gave you that is important. I have always tried to see the good in people, look on the bright side and always look for the positive, even in the darkest of times.

 It is that attitude that got me through.I believed that I would be okay and that tomorrow would be a better day,it was that attitude that has gotten me through all of the darkest times.

Please check out my new book The Blessing in Disguise for sale on or my website http//


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