When the storms come back

Hump day Treadmill Treats

When the storms come back

People always say to me that I am always blessed, that I have favor over my life and yes, I believe I am and I do. But what people don't see is all the storms I've been through to finally see the rainbows.

They don't know all the pain and suffering I've endured, the nights I stood up crying and praying for better days, the questions, why me? Didn't I go through enough? When is it going to be good for me?

No, they only see the rainbow after the storm but here's the thing I am human and I have storms. I am not afraid to speak my sorrows, write about when the rug gets pulled out from under me, I tell it all, the good, the bad and the really ugly.

Lately I have had alot of blessings and I have been so grateful for them and spoke of them as I always do but with life there is always the good with the bad, there is always the calm before the storm...

The storm came a few weeks ago, I broke my ribs at a clients home, you all know I love to exercise and because of this I had to put the brakes on that and my stress outlet.
I got a check in the mail last week for 1200 dollars which I thought was a blessing, turns out, my mortgage company screwed up and I had no insurance on my house and by the way that's not your money, as we told you it was.
My computer and printer breaks, my phone which I thought was under warranty turns out not to be, 175.00 later.

My ex who is taking me to court yet again and who we thought would have to pay me, I end up owing him.
I changed health insurance companies and went to the doctor the other day for a double ear infection and sinus infection and found out they don't accept that clinic or prescription and now I'm out both monies.
And for good measure some surveys I did for a company for 170.00, the checks bounced and the company is out of business.

Yesterday, when I got home, I had had enough,
I took a shower but as I stood there and cried, speaking to God and the universe, that I knew great things were coming, because for every time I go through a storm, every time things are coming at me in all directions, every time I get knocked to my knees,
I pray harder, it makes my faith bigger and the blessings that come from it are greater.

So to all you haters out there that are happy that I am going through this, hold on to your hats because the blessings that are coming  from this are going to blow your mind.
I will not stop believing nor will I worry about any of this. I had my pity party last night and it is over.

I am refreshed with my faith and I am laughing because this all happened while I am going through my yearly, week long Daniel fast, thinking it will break me.

What you don't understand about me, is what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, I will never give up, I will never stop believing, I will continue to be a surviver, I am more than a conquer,
I am a overcomer! And no weapon formed against me shall conquer.

So, all this....it will be okay,
I am not worried, I am actually excited that the enemy has to be that worried of the big plans God has for me to throw everything he has at me, hoping I will give up.... well that will never happen, this is the year of accelerated growth, the year we will get back from us what was taken from us for the next seven years.

2016 will be incredible and this setback is just that, a small setback that will not effect my faith.

So today my friends remember we all have setbacks, we all go through storms but it's how we handle them while we are going through them that counts, do you give up? Are you out for the count? Do you let go of your faith when things get tough?
Or do you pray through the storm? Do you believe no matter what that this too shall pass?

It's all up to give are you a victim or are you a surviver?  The choice is yours...choose wisely.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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