It's never to late to change

Thursday Treadmill Treats

It's never to late to change

Yesterday I wrote about how I use to be a liar and how I decided when I left my marriage that I would never do that again. I decided I would change my ways and I did, did it matter how old I was? No, did it matter I had been doing it for years? No, all that matter was I wanted to change and I took the steps to do it.

I am a huge believer in you can do anything at any age, you can change anything in your life, its never to late!

I was lucky enough to have a wonderful role model, my mom. She got cancer at 45 and while she was going through it, she decided to go back to school. She had to drop out of school at 15 to support herself and her mother and never graduated. She got her Ged, then she went to college and after she graduated with an associates degree, she then went to school to get her real estate brokers license and opened up her own company.

She had been a waitress all her life and while she got sick she just decided to change it all. She was 45 when she started and almost 50 when she finished, she did all of this while fighting cancer. She made a decision to change and she did, she was and always will be, my hero.

So I've lived my life the same way she lived hers, never afraid of change, knowing that age is just a number.

I jumped out of a plane at 41, zipped lined at 45, ran a marathon at 46, changed my career, walked out in faith and started my own business at 47.
I left a horrible 24 year marriage and started over with nothing at 48, I did a triathlon at 49! (And I sucked at swimming and hated running!)

I did it all and I have never looked back, its up to you and how bad do you want it, what is holding you back?

You! that's it! Do you drink too much? Are you still acting like your 21 when your 51? Do you want a relationship yet when one presents it self you push it away?
Are you in a horrible marriage and staying because your afraid?

There are a million reasons why you keep doing what your doing but not one of those is that you truly want to change, because if you did, you could and you would. 

Do you look at others and think "I could never do that? I couldn't leave my big cushy life, I like to drink and party, I could never find a great person like that, she's just lucky"

Luck has nothing to do with it!! I got up, I said enough is enough! I was sick and tired of being sick and tired!
And I made a move to change it!

Fear is your biggest obstacle! That's it, nothing else! Overcome that and you can do anything!

So today my friends, if you want to change, truly want to change, all you have to do is believe that you can, have faith and you will. Don't wish, don't hope, do something to make it happen, start today, make a change, don't worry about your age, its never to late to change.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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