New you

Tuesday Treadmill Treats

New you

It's amazing that we get so many chances to do over.. but nothing is like a new year. We leave the old one in the past and we get another 365 days to do whatever we didn't get to  do in the past year.

We set goals, make plans, dream dreams, we feel like we can do anything!
But here's the thing you don't have to wait till the new year to start over.
No you can change your life any day, you don't have to wait to Monday to start your diet, you don't have to wait till next month to find a new job, your can do it right now.

It's never to late to change, your never too old to learn something new, it's all about you and your attitude. You can and will do anything you set your mind to, it's up to you.

Hate your job, relationship is going no where, have a bad habit you need to stop? Guess what? You woke up today, you get another chance to change your life.

Stop blaming your life on everyone else, stop playing victim, stop saying this is how it is. It's not, it's you and your attitude that keeps you stuck where you are. You want change, you have to put in the work, what's that saying, faith without works is dead.

You can't want a new relationship yet just expect a new man to come knock at your door, you cant want a better job if you don't apply for others, you cant want to change and then do nothing about it. You need to put in the work and then you need to believe that change is possible.

I say all the time I want to be a New York Times bestselling author, I want to be an international blogger and speaker on the women of faith tour but I just don't speak it into the universe, I take action.

I blog on 6 sites, I am on every social media site I can be, I have 2 websites, I promote my book and blog every chance I get, I take classes on motivational speaking, I read, do research and learn so that when the day comes and it will (see that's the faith part) I will be ready, I put my work into it and it will eventually pay off.

So today my friends, remember you have a chance every day to change your life, every week, every month, every year, it's's waiting for you to decide to do...
It's a new year make it a new you.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:

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