That's what friends are for

Tgif Treadmill Treats

That's what friends are for...

Last year I bought a house and it needed to be completely gutted.The only things I could salvage was 2 ceiling fans and a garbage disposal, yes seriously!

Everything else I had to buy new, being a single mom, I had no one to help me do anything, to bounce stuff off of or to hold my hand through this process.

You know I don't sugar coat anything, as I always say,  I am not Willy Wonker, so I will tell you it was scary and overwhelming to say the least.
It was the first time in 25 years that I have done something like this, all on my own.

There were days when problems came up that I thought maybe I took on too much, there were nights I couldn't sleep worrying about the bills, if I was going to get out of my rental on time, would I be getting more business to pay for all of this.

Yes, I am human, I really try not to worry and for the most part, I don't but this was a huge undertaking and sometimes even I, Miss Positive, slips and falls.

There were so many set backs, I had a plumber rip me off, very expensive lesson and then someone from my own church try to rip me off (just because someone goes to church does not make them holy, leaned that lesson too!)

But what I really learned was that I have some incredible people in my life. I am blessed with great friends and family, that came to my rescue.

I had nothing to pay them, yet they were here giving of their time and themselves to help me out and I am so grateful for all their help.

Someone told me that I had always been there for them, that I always give of myself to help others and this is what you get back in return. I never think of that when I do things for others, I do things out of my heart, not expecting anything in return.

This made me cry knowing that I had touched people's hearts in such a way that they wanted to give back to me.

I am pretty handy and I can do a lot of different things around the house and did, like disconnecting and pulling out old sinks and toilets, putting together closet systems, putting up light fixtures attempting to put down laminate flooring (which came out okay, thank God for trim and Youtube) The yard clean up, my back splash and a host of many other small jobs I could tackle.

But I have my limits, I don't do drywall or electrical or 45 degree cuts and for that I had to rely on my friends for help in those areas.

I had two friends fly down from from New York to help me out, with putting up a fence and a paver patio, then my other friend came to help me with my leaky roof. Last night a friend of mine came by as my closet system fell out of the wall. (Yes, the one I put in, I am blaming it on way to much stuff and not my Handy work, that's my story and I am sticking to it!)

And in a few weeks another friend will fly in to give me a whole new roof.
I don't know what I would do without my guardian angel neighbor Frank who I  am always running to for help.

I know I am truly blessed to have all these incredible people in my life who time and time again have stepped up for me.

Today I want to thank all of my incredible friends and family that have been here for me, I could never do this without you and I am truly grateful for you all for stepping up and helping me out.
Being a single mom is tough but when you have such an amazing set of friends it makes life so much easier.

So today my friends, be grateful for your friends because they are the family we chose for ourselves, pick wisely and if you do you will have an amazing family like mine.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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