You never know what will happen

Hump day Treadmill Treats

You never know what will happen

Yesterday I wrote about how a year ago my best friend betrayed me and how hurt I was, in this weeks series I will tell you why its so important to let go, to forgive and move on because anything can happen.

If you read my blogs you know I have had a lot of crap that happened to me in my life. I've been through some shit, let me tell you. Believe me I couldn't make up this stuff if I tried but I still manage four things through it all:

1- To have a positive attitude through it all.

2- To forgive those who have hurt me.

3- To still be able to love and trust people.

4- To believe anything is possible.

See these 4 things have gotten me through my life and all the crappie shit.

These things made me hold on, they gave me hope, they let me know there are things bigger than me and that no matter what
"This too shall pass" my mom's favorite quote.

So when my best friend ran away with my 1500.00 for my new air conditioning unit, yes I was hurt but I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God would take care of me. I didn't know when or how but I knew he would somehow.

And I never waived in my faith, even when in August it was 90 degrees out and I had no air, even when I cried myself to sleep for being so stupid, even when I was angry and even when I was questioning God why? Why am I being hurt again,
I still believed he would take care of this.

And so what happened you ask........never doubt, ye of little faith, of course he did.
My guardian angel neighbor Frank, who out of no where knew my situation said God told him to give me the money for my new air, yes the whole thing that she stole.

I went into the ugly cry, because
A. I couldn't believe someone could be so kind.
And B. That I was so grateful for him and God to provide for me.

I never wavered in my faith, not once, I knew it would happen.
And I had not even forgiven her at that point! I was still in full blown I can't stand you mode but even so God took care of me.

See you never know what will happen, who will walk into your life and change things. You just have to hold on, you have to believe, no matter how bad it gets, hold on.

When I was going through my divorce, I dreamed every night about what my new home was going to look like, how it was going to feel. I would close my eyes and envision it, as if I was already living there. Every time I gave a offering at church I wrote my prayer request "A home for me and my girls" I never believed or even thought I would be owning it. But I never wavered in my faith and look what happened I now own that home I dreamed of and all of what I've envisioned came true.

So today my friends I am here to tell you, that yes, what Frank did for me made me forgive my best friend because I realized that there are still great people in this world, that anything can change in a day and that you never know what will happen.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
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