Life is too short, live big
Tuesday Treadmill Treats
Life is too short, live big
On Sunday after church I found out that one of my church family had passed. She was young, just 34,
she had children, she sang in the choir, made us laugh at the singles events. She had a big voice and a bigger heart, she had her whole life in front of her and just like that she is gone.
You never know, you just never know what is going to happen. Is that grudge so important if today was your last day? Getting mad over some silly thing? Not talking to loved ones because your so "busy"?
Not spending quality time with your kids because cleaning the house is so important? No, none of these things would matter if today was your last day.
Would you say I should have worked more? No, you'd be begging to have more time with the people you loved.
Would you worry about all that you were stressful about, for so long in your life? No, these things would be the furthest from your mind.
The things..the material things...the things that were so important or so you thought, are actually meaningless when you realize the big picture.
I don't want to have regrets at the end, I want to know I lived life, I lived big and loved big. I want to go knowing I had a forgiving heart and giving spirit.
I want to know I was present in every moment, that I knew what were the most important things in my life...My God, my girls, my family and friends, my community.
I want to know that money cannot buy who you are, that it didn't make me the person I am today, my God, my faith, my connections with people, made me who I am.
I want to go knowing I was the best person I could be and when I arrive in front of God, all I want to hear is
"Well done, my child, well done"
So today my friends remember life is too short, you never know what will happen tomorrow.
If you want to change, do it now. If you love someone tell them today, if your angry, forgive... if you hold a grudge let it go... look at life, did you do all you wanted? Are you the person you wanted to be? The person God called you to be?
Its not to late, do it now...time is ticking, we are all on borrowed time and we never know when its about to be over. Life is big, live big!
I would like to dedicated this blog to my friend Natalie Pinto, who was taken way too soon and will so be missed...
But we know you are singing in God's choir now..
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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