When you know better, you do better

When you know better you do better

When you know better, you do better is one of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou because it is so true and it goes for everything in your life.

When you are young and you date a man solely based on his looks or the car he drives, you think yeah that's all I care about, he's hot! Until you realize hot alone does not cut it, if he is as dumb as a rock and cant add unless he takes off his shoes, hot goes out the window.

Listening to your elders, oh that's a big one, I remember telling my daughter one of the first times we were going to New York in the winter, that the "boots" she wanted me buy her were actually slippers. She turned to me and said "You don't know what your talking about, all my friends have them"
I said "What the hell do your friends know, they live in Florida!"
But because she knew better than me I bought them and that "cute coat" that was a measly windbreaker at best.

I told her cute goes right out the window when your freezing your ass off! Needless to say it was 5 below zero and sleeting and her "boots" were soaken wet, her feet were frozen and she was shaking from the cold from her "coat" She was whining and crying that I needed to buy her new boots.

"Ha not me! I don't know anything, besides you look cute isn't that what you were going for, well you got it!" Do I have to tell you she ended up buying her own boots and she always packs warm now.

See how this saying works? When you are young, you put up with things like a lying, cheating spouse, a drunk, a gambler and now that you are a grown up, you know your worth and you know that you will rather be alone that be treated like that again.

You look back at your life, over some of the most truly stupid things you've done all while thinking, I got this, I am "grown"
Today you slap your head thinking what a idiot I was!

The worst comes when you have children and then you are truly winging it, you have no manual, you thought you knew what you would do and was very vocal about it as you watched others do it before you.

Ha! big difference when its your kid! Its like you watching a boxing match , yelling you suck, you should have gave him a jab, left uppercut, oh please didn't you see that coming?

But what would actually  happen if you got in that ring? Would all your great advice still work for you? Oh hell no! you would be knocked out before the bell stopped dinging to start the fight! Get real!

You are going to screw it up and that's okay, you are human it is bound to happen and guess what? when you know better you will do better.

So today my friends don't be so hard on yourself,
its okay, you will screw up, you will fall on your face, Hell, I do it all the time and then tell the world about it.
You can certainly tell your best friend or your pastor or counselor, who ever it is. Talk about it, learn from it, let it go and know that when you know better you will do better!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
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