If you quit, you'll never know what could have been

If you quit, you'll never know what could have been

There were many days when I wanted to quit, days when I prayed I wouldn't wake up. There were days that I so wanted to end all my pain and suffering I was feeling, but didn't because I couldn't imagine leaving my girls to be raised by my ex.

I wanted to quit, I really did but something inside, some small hope just the size of a mustard seed kept saying just hold on, just believe, it will get better.

I read books on positive attitude, The Secret, If you believe it, you are it. All of Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hayes, you name an author and I have probably read them.
I did everything and anything to put me into a different space. I remember making a vision board and I hung it over my dryer and some days as I folded laundry, I would cry because I hated my life so much.
So I would look at this vision board with all I wanted my new life to be, I would close my eyes and see myself there. There I was strong, independent, there I was surrounded by people, places and things I loved.
In my new life I had peace and happiness, I was fulfilled and worthy.
Standing there imaging all of this would get me through that day. Sometimes it would get me through only that hour but as AA says even if you have to do one minute at a time to get through, you do it.

Yes, to survive I had to do this, just like when I gave up drugs, to survive it sometimes took a minute by minute aprroch to get through.
But that's okay, whatever works for you do it, just don't quit.

I had a friend come by last night and as we sat around in my home, I was relaxed, it was comfortable. I wasn't worried about criticism or the coldness that use to be there in my old life, when I invited someone over.
This space is mine and I am truly happy now and truly grateful as well.

So what would have happened if I would have quit? None of this, none of the blessings that have came or are going to keep coming. None of this life that I so truly love now.
If I gave up, if I quit I would have never known this happiness, this peace, this gratefulness
So today my friends remember don't quit, go minute by minute if you have to, but don't quit! Because you'll never know what could happen.
Life can change in a second.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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