Praying for the second half of this year

Praying for the second half of this year

This is the second half of this year..Yes, a blink of an eye 6 months have gone by.
We need to thank God that we are here, that we made it through the first half of this year. We need to realize some people didn't make it here.

We need to know when God said "I will restore to your the years that was destroyed, what the enemy stole from you" That he meant it, that he is not a man who shall lie.

We need to make this our meme for this half of the year...
I am taking it back...
My joy
My peace
My resources
I am taking back all that was stolen from me.

In the bible it says "You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied and praise his name and never be put to shame again!"
Why is it that we forget God's promises to us? We just have to believe...simple as that, just believe.

"For I will restore health to you, I will heal you because they have called you an outcast, It is Zion, for whom no one cares"

Sometimes we are wounded by people betraying us, by loved ones.
We are wounded by life, wounded by getting knocked down.
But watch what God does for you...

A big lesson I keep getting over and over is that you need to know not everyone is going on the journey with you. Sometimes you need to go on your own.
You need to erase some people out of your life.
There is some stuff you've been carrying that you need to bleach, erase, swipe left, because you are never going back.
Not everyone is going on the whole journey with you. Even Jesus who had twelve disciples, left 9 behind and then left those 3 when he knew this was his journey alone.

We also need to remember that when we pray, we need to pray for all who betrayed us, all that hurt us and all that touched our lives. We can't just pray for ourselves. This was a hard one for me in the beginning of my faith walk. You want me to pray for my enemy's? Oh, I'm praying all right, that they get hit by a bus. Seriously? You want me to pray for them?

I learned praying for them is like forgiveness, it is for you and not for them. You are letting go of the anger and hurt in you, you are moving on with your life.
And of course they is a bible verse for this as well.

"Because the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave twice as much as he had before"

Ha! If I pray for my friends and enemy's he will bless me twice as much and I will be setting myself free at the same time...yeah I can do that.
(Okay, it wasn't over night but I finally got there, look I am a work in progress, just like you are)

He wants to give us twice as much as before! What an amazing God we serve!
So as we start this second half of the rest of this year, let us all give thanks for all we have.
He woke us up
We have a home
We have food
We have a job
We have family
We all have something to be grateful for, to give thanks for.

So today my friends remember life is what we make of it. We can be bitter, angry and look negative at our lives or we can start not just today but every day giving thanks. We need to be grateful as it could have been another way...for me it was for many years.

This is why I cry, tears of joy, tears of gratitude for where I am today because I may not be where I want to be but I am surly not where I use to be.
Life is short, use your time wisely.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

***Now available***
My book The blessing in Disguise
Selling on my website:


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