The sheets are coming off Part 2
The sheets are coming off Part 2
Yesterday I wrote about how far we have come in this world or so I thought. We seemed like we were finally getting to a point that we all let each other be who they were meant to be. Gays could get married, transgenders got to be who they were born to be, Blacks, Jews, Muslims and Christians were living together in peace, letting each be who they are.
But the racist didn't just go away because they rest of us were loving each other. No, they were plotting how to come back stronger than ever. Waiting in the side lines until they could ban together again and start another hate movement.
Well they had just the oppunituny when #45 ran for office. He promoted "Make America great again" which was code for bring back the good old days, the good olde boy's club with no rights for gays, for people with disabilities, for women or blacks. Making a war on people who were hard working immigrants, that came here to make a better life for their children. They were ready to follow him to put gays back in the closet and blacks on the back of the bus, yet again.
We went from a country that was tolerant to a country that toted rasicm as being okay. When the president of the United States says that skin heads and KKK aren't bad people we knew we were in trouble.
Little by little all of the rights we have worked so hard for were being erased. Hated and racism has gone wild since then. It's okay to come out of the closet, dust off that white sheet and show the world who you truly are, the nasty small minded racist you always were, just afraid to show it. Now, it's okay and so more and more people are doing it.
I can't tell you how many disturbing videos I have watched on social media where people are out and out racist. Calling the police on law abiding citizens because of their skin color, posting hatred on social media, being out and out dirt bags to other human beings because of their race, religion or sexual preference.
It has made me sick and angry as we need to talk about this, we need to have a voice because if we don't, we will lose all the rights our ancestors fought so hard for.
We need to say this is not okay, that the United States of America is the place that A. Isn't any of ours as we stole it
And B. A place of refuge, a place for freedom, a place where people who had a dream to be free could come without prosecution.
This is what we represented for hundreds of years, to millions of people. Hell most of us are immigrants, our parents or grandparents or great grandparents came here from another country.
We are or was the melting pot of the world, we were looked up to, we were the place people dreamed of coming to live. But not anymore, we are a laughing stock to the world, we are no longer the smartest and the richest county in the world, no...we are not even close anymore.
If we sit back and be quiet, we will no longer have a voice. Look at the Holocaust, no one spoke up to Hilter, they followed him like blind mice...(Do you see any correlation?)
Until it was okay to kill Jews because they weren't "like you"
We let segregation go on so long because we were afriad to speak up.We cannot be silent this time, we must talk about this. We must fight for our rights and even if they aren't your rights, you should fight anyway as tomorrow they very well might be your rights.
So today my friends remember as they are coming out with their hatred, with their rasicm, sexism and classism, we must take a stand and say this is not okay. We must vote, we must picket, we must talk about it on social media, we can just as we did before change the world.
As I say at the end of every blog Be the change you want to see...
You can do it, we need to put a stop to the sheets that are coming off.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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The blessing in disguise.... revealed**
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