Knowing your worth

Knowing your worth

This week I wrote alot about the recent suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. I wrote about how losing yet another one of my friends and all the pain that it bought back and knowing how close I was to not once but twice taking my own life.

Look life is hard, period.
I don't know many people that haven't been through bad times, through losses of loved ones, through life knocking them down. It happens to all of us but it's how we come through, it's about what we learn, it's about knowing our self worth enough to keep fighting.

When you deciede to take your own life, you don't have self worth. You feel like a failure, like your worthless. You can't do anything right, nothing will ever go your way because your stupid, because your too fat, too skinny, too poor, not pretty enough.
There are a million reasons why you have in your head, why you are worthless and why no one will miss you or even care that your no longer here.

Yes, it's that worthless felling that most of the time pushes us over the edge.
We need to know we were all wonderfully made and that we all come here with a purpose.
It's okay if you can't find your purpose right now, it took me 40 plus years to find mine, hell it took 70 years for Colonel Sanders to find his. It's okay, no matter when you find it, but trust me it's always been inside of you, just waiting for the right time.

You have to know you will go through storms, you will have haters, you will hurt, you will be betrayed, lied to, cheated on, your heart will break over and over again.

But you must hold on to your self worth, you must know what you are made of and made for.
These are just lessons you need to learn to move on to the next level of learning.
You can't grow if your not willing to learn. And you can't grow unless your buried underground, in the dark, feeling like it's over and you can't breathe.

Yes, when you are planted, you think it's over but if you hold on, if you keep the faith, keep the fight, sooner or later you will reach the top. You will see the sun and with the sun and the tears, you too will bloom like the beautiful flowers you see in the spring.
All winter they froze, they are in the dark, they might have felt hopeless but they hung on and look at them now...the most beautiful things you have ever seen.

That my friends are you, you are just waiting to bloom, you just need to know what kind of spectacular flower you will be. You need to know what God or whoever you believe in, made you to be.

Don't give up, trust me when I tell you he has bigger plans than you can ever dream of. Know your self worth, stand tall, fight the good fight. You will get through this, ask for help if you need to, talk to someone, admitting you have a problem doesn't make you weak, it shows your strenght.
It shows you know your self worth enough to treasure it, to protect it.
Never give up, never stop knowing your worth.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

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