The sheets are coming off Part 1

The sheets are coming off

There have always been racism in our world, there has always been sexism, and classism. We think what a women's role is, that there is such a difference between the have and the have not's and the big divide between the races. As if just because your a different race or sex that makes one person better than the other.

This attitude was prevalent in the forties and fifties. Men were men, women knew their "places" and blacks had to sit in the back of the busses. You were either from one "side of the tracks" or the other, there was clear racism, sexism and classism.

The Klan was out in full force even though they still didn't have enough balls to show their faces, we all knew that they were there.

Racism was on television, loud and proud, as well as women being portrayed as air headed, good for nothing, stay at home moms, their roles holding no importance.

But then something changed women starting to fight for equal rights, Rosa Parks refusing to sit on the back of the bus, people starting to segregate into other neighborhoods.

We fought for equal rights, in the late seventies a women even ran for vice President, many people were killed in the segregation movement, we weren't going to stand for what was okay for hundreds of years, the walls were coming down.

After years of fighting, women had equal rights even if we didn't get equal pay, we got to make choices about our own bodies. Black people got to see the end of segregation, we were all living and working together, sitting anywhere we damed please on the bus of life.

We shamed the racist back in the closet, as we allowed the gays to come out of theirs. We learned to live together, as one yes, there was still racism but it wasn't tolerated, you didn't get to make fun of people with disabilities, there were laws created to make us egual.
And then we had our first women running for president and our first black president, how great was the world...the best person for the job despite skin tone or economic background, we were coming together and I was proud to say I was an American. My gay friends finally got to get married and have legal rights, transgender people got to be who they were born to be, Martin Luther king Jr dream seemed to be coming to pass...Little black children playing with little white children.
You got to chose who you loved based on your hearts not your skin color.

Yes, it was a proud moment to live in this small window of life where we loved and accepted one another.


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