Getting the message you need to hear

Getting the message you need to hear 

This week I wrote about my depression and how I was feeling sorry for myself and throwing a pity party for one. But I was determined to change my mindset and I knew what would make me feel better, what always makes me feel better and that is working out.

They say the endorphins you get from working out is like a high and I can tell you that's true. So I hit the treadmill, figuring that would definitely make me feel better. I walked 3 miles, then later on when I came home, I walked around my lake.

As I was walking looking at the beautiful lake, the clouds and nature all around me I started to feel better, when an older woman in her late 70's passed me right by and she was jogging with a cane! Yes, you read that right...jogging with a cane but even that didn't stop her from running! 

Now I'm thinking what the hell do you have to feel sorry about? Hello, here's a woman who's not letting anything stop her. I wanted to run over to her and tell her she was my shero.

Pity party officially over!

Then while watching church later, the message is dream big!! Really big! He went on to say that God has bigger dreams than you can dream for yourself, anything is possible if you believe! Things will come at you when you're about to make a break though to bigger things, Nothing can stop you but you!

That was the message I needed to hear to keep me going, to let me know I am not crazy for dreaming big. That it wasn't crazy for making a new vision board during the pandemic with the title New York Times bestseller, Oprah and Tyler Perry studios on it! And not to get down even when crap hits the fan, just shake yourself off and keep believing! 

This is life, it will never go exactly like you want it to, just as things start to look up Bam! Shit happens. I can tell you lots of shit happens stories, especially right before the pandemic when I was starting to speak at different events and really booming in my business and Bam! Here comes the pandemic and it all goes to shit. 

But I am a big believer in it's all in God's time not mine. And that obviously wasn't mine time, these are all lessons I need to hear. I realized that the pandemic gave me a chance to get closer to my girls, to help them deal with the things they had been going through. That I may never have another chance like this with them as soon they will be gone onto lives of their own. It gave me the time to really reflect on my life and what I should be the most grateful for...God, my girls, friends and family and my life.

These are the lessons I got from this pandemic and I am truly grateful for them. The lessons I am learning from this surgery is to be able to get over things like depression, to push myself to new levels and even though I didn't like it, I truly know now that God gives his hardest battles to his toughest soldiers and I, like it or not, seem to be one of them.

I have been through so much in my life, yet I still get up and go on. I don't let it change my outlook on life or even on people, which so many have hurt me. I keep looking for the good, I keep being positive and no matter how many times I get knocked down, I keep getting back up.

So today my friends, remember after your pity party, get up, and get moving. Look for your lessons in your heartbreak, in your disappointments, in your set back but never stop dreaming big and never stop believing!!


Be the change you want to see"

"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Now released my latest book**

The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed

***Now available***

My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 

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