Believing in whatever gets you through your day

Believing in whatever gets you through your day

So I try to get to church every Sunday, of course during this pandemic I could only watch it online but was still grateful that I could at least get it that way.
If I miss church, I just have my own church because we all know that church is not a building, it's about you and God. No matter where you are, you can have your own church, you can give him praise and thanks no matter where you are.

There are Sundays like today that I can't make it so for me I do my own church by dance walking (You need to see it to understand)
around my lake listening to gospel music and giving thanks for everything.

You don't need to be in church to give thanks, you don't need to kneel to pray, and you don't need a middle man to talk to God. You just need to be you, be honest and be thankful. It doesn't matter if you believe in God, in Buddha, if your Catholic, Christian, Jewish or Muslim it is about whoever you believe your higher power is.

For me it's whatever gets you through your day, if you pray to a tree, a pack of gum or whatever it is, as long as it, gets you through your day. Who am I or anyone else to say it's not right. You see I don't preach my religion to anyone, I just speak about what gets me through my hard times. If it helps you great, if something else does, well good for you. It's all about whatever helps you. 

For me and what I believe, I think that the God I believe in is a forgiving God. That he loves all no matter what color, creed or sexual orientation you are. I don't believe we are going to burn in hell for our sins. Or that he loves one kind more than another. And no, I will not debate you on my beliefs just as I won't condemn you on yours. 

This is what makes the world such a wonderful place because we all are allowed to believe in what we want to. We are all different and wonderfully made so why shouldn't we think differently? And who are you to tell me or anyone else that what they believe in is not their truth. 

That's the problem today, everyone has so much to say about other people's business, mind your own business, live your life and leave others to live theirs as they see fit. 
We are all allowed to believe in what we want to as long as we still live in a free country. So let's allow others to be who they are, to say what they want and to believe in what they choose.

So today my friends remember we are all going through things we don't put out there. Many people are suffering and in pain so let's not add to it. Let us all believe in what gets us through the day and be grateful that we have a higher power, whatever that may be, to do it to.
"Be the change you want to see"


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