Things I've learned from my mom
I learned from my mom. .
This weekend as I was working on my front lawn, my neighbors stopped by and gave me an incredible complainant. She said she had never seen a woman work as hard as me.
She went on to say she had watched me rip out the bathrooms, put down the hardwood floors in my loft, do my stone backsplash, put up my fence and put down a paver patio with included 2 truck loads of sand and 3 pallets of pavers (this was with help of a friend) She has also seen me clean and drag out too many bags to count of dirt and crap to the curb, put up a shed (with help from another friend) I am blessed to have a lot of friends. And here I was yet again.
She asked where I learned to do this and where did I get my work ethic from? I laughed. I knew exactly where I got it from, my wonderful mom. She was my role model, my hero and she was one of the toughest bitches I knew. I say that with love as she was the hardest working woman I ever met. She and my step dad were poor, she was a waitress doing the 11 pm -7 am shift in the local diner. On her days off and after she woke up she would help my dad with our broken down 100 year farm house we owned.
I can remember her on the scaffold fixing the chimney with my dad. She was right next to him digging ditches to redo the plumbing. She ripped out our bathrooms, took down walls. She painted and scraped and spackled walls.
She never complained, she just did what needed to be done.
Let me tell you this was no 30 day project like mine was, no this was a 30 year project. Every free day and every free dollar went into this property. We never went on vacations, she never had new clothes, she owned 3 outfits, her diner work clothes, her yard work clothes and one brown dress that she wore to every occasion, that's it.
I can remember our neighbors saying "Your mom works like a man" and so when my neighbor said this to me I was honored to say I was my mother's daughter.
I am hoping to teach this to my girls, that hard work will never kill you. That you can do anything you set your mind to especially now that we have youtube! (Hello, it taught me how to put up backsplash and the hardwood floors! )
You don't have to depend on a man, you got this, you are strong, independent women, and you are never to old and you never say "I'm a girl so I can't do this "
I am trying to show them after so many years of watching me being belittled and put down, that change is possible, that change is incredible, so do not live in fear, you can do whatever you set your mind to.
So today my friends, do not let gender, age or any other thing your mind is telling you tell you can't do it or let it stop you. You have this in you too, dig deep, find it, pull it out, dust it off, you got this....the only thing stopping you is you.
"Be the change you want to see"
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