Faith makes life worth living
Faith makes life worth living
Things have been tough lately, especially the last two years with the pandemic and now with the cost of living going through the roof and gas prices higher than ever. It seems like it's been going on forever, it is not getting better and the United States is at war with itself and maybe with Russia too.
This is life, we will have good times and we will have bad times. I can remember a time back a few years ago when I also experienced incredible stress in my life. I was incredibly slow at work, I was remodeling a new home, packing up my other house, and trying to re-edit my book. I know what it is like to be overwhelmed, to say the least.
The one thing that lets me sleep at night, that stops giving me heart palpitations, hives, or having my hair falling out is my faith. Yes, I used to have all of these things happen to me before I found my faith. But my faith carries me through the rough times. My faith makes my life worth living.
This trust I have in God is the firm foundation that makes life worth living. It's a handle on what we cant see. I believe even though I am going through the storm. I know it will be alright even though the storm is raging at me. I know that God will provide as he has done so many times before.
So I ask you, how deep is your faith? Do you waver in your faith when things don't come your way? Do you give up? Do you lose your faith? I know many people who believe in God when things are going their way but as soon as life gets tough they lose faith. If you lose your faith, you will lose your will to live!
Faith makes you believe that sooner or later God will turn this around for you. Faith makes you believe in the supernatural. It makes you believe in happily ever after, and in miracles. Faith no matter how small will give you the will to hold on. We've all heard the Bible verse, faith as small as a mustard seed, yes, that is small but that is all we need.
Let me ask you this, you have the deed to your house but you don't need to see it to know you own the house! You have faith that you own it. Why then do you need to see faith in God to believe it?
All you need is to learn how to dream big! How is it that our ancestors had 17 kids, no education, unskilled yet they made it, how? They had faith! You have one kid, you have a good job, you are educated, yet you have no faith on how to make it or question if you will make it at all?
We know that the enemy is going to try to make you lose faith. He will shake you up, he will put people in your life to test your faith. He will produce storms that will make you lose your faith, your hope, and your beliefs. Trust and believe that there will be tough times, you will get knocked down, beat up, but understand this is the test!!
The real question is will you still praise him? Will you still pray and thank him for the blessings you do have? Or will you throw in the towel when life gets hard and say you won't believe? You have to take a stand and know all that God can do.
My life is the perfect testament, if anyone should have given up, it is me. For the longest time, I hated God. I didn't think that God would have done this to a child, why would he? How could he let my mom get breast cancer, my dad die a month later, and let me be raped and endure an abortion while I was a virgin and all at the tender age of 15.
To me, there was no God and if there was…well, I hated him for what he allowed to let happen to me. But as I got older, as I hit rock bottom with an addiction, it was him I turned to. It was him who got me out of that even after I stopped believing, even after I cursed his name.
Over the years I have seen God's work first hand. He gave me the strength to leave my abusive marriage, and he gave me the courage to start my own business. He gave me the purpose and the gifts to write this blog and my books. He gave me my new home, a miracle in itself that I could get approved and also get it 27,000 below market value. I now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he will take care of all of this that is going on now for me as well.
So even though it may seem overwhelming right now, even though the world seems like a crazy place. Even though we may be losing loved ones to this horrible disease or to the horrible hate that has affected so many people's hearts. Even when we may be stretched and struggling, I know I will be okay because God has me in his hands.
So today my friends, this may be your test before your testimony. Yes, it may be hard right now, but can you hold on to God's word? Can you trust him? Do you have faith and how deep is that faith? My answer to you is to make your faith the one thing that makes your life worth living for.
Hold on just a little bit longer, God's got this and he's got you too.
"Be the change you want to see"
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