Stop complaining
Stop complaining
I know this has been a rough 2 years, between covid and now with the cost of living going through the roof, it has been bad for all of us.
But I always look at the positive, even through covid when I couldn't work and didn't have money coming in I thought, well at least I have all this quality time with my girls. We got to exercise, cook and hang out like never before, this was the silver lining for me.
We all can look at things differently, some people are complaining about gas prices, but not seeing that we are free. We don't have to flee our homes with just the clothes on our backs like so many Ukraines are.
Does all of this suck? Of course it does but this is life and we have ups and downs, good and bad times. We will all have bad times in this life but are you going to sit there and complain or do you try to see the silver lining in things? It's up to you. It's like when so many people hold their childhood as their crutch for not being able to do things. It's because my parents were alcoholics, I was abused, or insert your sob story here, that I can't do this or that.
Look we all have a sob story so that is just bullshit. Sorry no sugar coating here, if you need sugar coating read someone else's blog for that. You make a choice each and every day about how to feel, what to think and what to hold on to.
I chose to be positive, I saw my grandmother's negativity every day and I chose not to be like her. I choose to see the good, to see the cup half full, this is my choice.
Could I be pissed about the gas, the cost of food, the way the world is? Yes, of course but is that going to change the outcome one damn bit? No, not at all, it will just eat me up and make me bitter with the world and with people.
I forgive for the same reason because anger and hatred eats you up while the other person is living their lives not thinking or caring about you. It's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die, it's just stupid.
So today my friends remember we can't change what's going on inthe world. We can only change how we react to it. Maybe just maybe, if we are grateful for what we have, if we look at others who wish to have what little we have we will see the world through new eyes and we will stop complaining.
"Be the change you want to see"
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