My passion is my ministry
My passion is my ministry
I started my business because my Bishop told me to do something I was passionate about. This was when the real estate market crashed and I was out of a job. I'd been working in the title business for 10 years and suddenly so many of us were out of a job.
I prayed but I needed more than one sign. God knows I'm a hard head and I kept getting multiple signs to do this. Even when I didn't listen, the doors kept opening. When I thought that I couldn't do this, that I needed a job that provided for me and my girls during my divorce, God even shut the doors that weren't for me.
I finally listened and it's been 8 years that I've been doing what I love, Professionally organization. I remember when I was dating the Prince and I would come home and tell him about the clients I had done. One day he said to me "Have you ever realized that most of your clients are single mom's, going through divorce, that have been through abuse, and they are down on life? This is your ministry, you help these women. You tell your testimony and you lift them up not just by helping them get their homes together but by your words"
I was stopped cold in my tracks as I've never realized that but he was right. God keeps sending me these broken women, who are hurt and who need to hear my story. They need to know that anything is possible. That life after a horrible relationship is out there. That a life with joy, a life that is filled with love is available if you chose it.
I didn't know this is what I was doing, I didn't realize that it is my ministry, this and my writing is what God called me to do. I guess that's why my favorite bible verse is Romans 8.28.
"We know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, according to his purpose"
This is my purpose.
So today my friends remember your testimony, it is your ministry to help others. You never know how your words could change someone's life. You never know how you can help others and maybe, if you're as lucky as I am, telling your story will allow you to make some truly incredible friends along the way.
"Be the change you want to see"
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