Online Dating makes me shake my head

Online Dating makes me shake my head

Is it me or is online dating making you shake your head? Like Wtf? Are you kidding me? You can't be serious? Yes, these are the questions we have all been asking ourselves and our other single friends.
It is horrendous out here in the dating world. I don't know what changed from dating back in the dinosaur days but men today are flaky.

Maybe it's because of all the choices. Maybe it's the fact that they suddenly grew some balls behind a computer screen or maybe they just don't care to put the time or effort into it anymore. We are still trying to figure this mystery out.
Now before the haters come at me and say what about women? Women do the same things… I don't know, I don't date women but at this rate, don't think I haven't thought about it … if I ever decide to try, trust me I will write about it.

So why does a man reach out to you and then literally after two texts ghost you? Why bother in the first place?

Why does he text and sends bullshit texts every day yet never ask to meet you? Aren't we on a dating site to meet? If I wanted a pen pal I'd write to someone in prison.

Why does he seem to be into you then without any word fall off the face of the earth?

Where are the gentlemen? The ones with real balls that will come out and say look I'm not feeling this. We would respect you more for that.

What's with the dick pics? Seriously!! Why? Do you think we will run over once we see them? No! We will send them to all our friends and we will laugh at you.

Dating has changed so much since I was single. Years ago you met someone at a party or through a friend. They asked for your number, then actually called you for a date. We talked on the phone for hours so there was none of this miscommunication through text messages.
If it wasn't working out, they would come and speak about it, face to face. Men were gentlemen, opening doors and pulling out chairs for you. They bought you dinner and had a conversation without distractions.

Dating today is a lost art, one that I don't think we will ever get back. And it's a shame, dating years ago was like a dance, perfectly choreographed. Now it's like twerking, something that makes you say ughh…

So today my friends, I am here to say that I know there are some good men out there…Maybe they are just lost in the woods on the horse but they are out there. And no, I don't think all men are dogs. Maybe just many of them on dating sites. And most importantly I still have hope that I will find "the one"

So today my friends, I welcome my guy readers to chime in and yes, even let me know what women do that makes you cringe. But we as women would really like to know the answers to these questions, help us out, fellows. Why? Why?

"Be the change you want to see"


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