Suicide and our youth

Suicide and our youth

Recently I read a post that was going around in social media about a beautiful young woman who took her life.
She seemed to have it all, she was a cheerleader, beautiful, and smart but yet she felt that life was not worth living anymore.
It saddened me to see this, knowing how she felt. I too was at this point in my life, around the same age. I am glad my mother found me and rushed me to the hospital in time to save my life.

I want to write this to tell other young people that I see them, I hear them and I know you may be in a dark place right now. Things may seem bad and life may not seem to be worth living but I'm here to tell you please hold on. 

As dark as it seemed for me back then, I would have missed out on so much of this amazing life I got to live when I got my second chance. I got to get married, to have my beautiful girls, to travel around the world. I got to come into my own as a woman, to find my passion and purpose in my writing.

My pain as much as it hurt then became my strength later on in my life. I learned if I could overcome all I went through, the death of my dad, my mother's cancer, being raped and having to have an abortion and overcoming drug and alcohol addiction I could overcome anything life had to throw at me later on.

I write this with a heavy heart knowing she couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel. Thinking she would be in this place forever and not realizing that things can and will get better. I am sad that she didn't reach out to someone as I am an advocate for  counseling and know that speaking to someone can change your outlook on your life.

I pray that if anyone is out there reading this and feeling this way, please find help. Talk to a pastor, a therapist or a counselor. There are many free and low cost providers out there. You just have to look, and to hold on, please know that this too shall pass.

So today my friends remember where you are right now is not always going to be where you stay. If you give up now you will miss out on so many things that life has in store for you. 
You are here for a reason and whether you see it now, believe me, it will be revealed to you later on, but only if you hold on.
Please don't cut your life short, there is so much more for you to do and see.

"Be the change you want to see"


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