Should you try to turn a friendship into a relationship?

Should you try to turn a friendship into a relationship?

They say you should marry your best friend and personally I think there could be nothing better than that.
Imagine your best friend who knows everything about you and still loves you. The person you tell all your secrets to, that you truly enjoy spending time with, also being the person you are in love with? What could be better?

I always say that I am looking for a long term relationship with my best friend when I am asked what I am looking for on dating sites. This is my goal, this is what I, one day would love to happen but what if you found this person, what if you're already friends with this person? Would you try to take it to the next step? Or would you be too afraid to ruin the friendship?

Fear always keeps us stuck in relationships or in jobs we hate or in a life we want but are too afraid to make that move. If we could just see into the future life would be so much easier to make a decision. 
I know for myself I stayed in an abusive marriage for 24 years because of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear that I couldn't take care of myself or my girls. Fear of being on my own, when I heard so many times that I would be nothing without him.
If I could have only seen that my life would be as amazing as it is now, I would have left years before but fear kept me stuck.

I know the many questions people have is what if it doesn't work out? Then the friendship will be over. I get that this is a very real concern for many people but what if it turns out to be the best thing that ever happens to you? Life is filled with what if questions but does that stop you? 

Personally I regret not stepping up years ago with my best friend when he suggested we give it a try. I too was afraid of losing our friendship and so I never tried and for years I thought maybe I should have. Unfortunately he was taken home too soon and I never had the chance to see what could have happened.

So today my friends my question to you is, do you take the next steps or do you stay in fear of the unknown, the what ifs?
Would you try to make it work with the person you call your best friend, the person that makes you laugh, that you know all about and still love regardless? Or do you keep it on a friend basis?
Only you can decide what is best for you.

"Be the change you want to see"


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