How to defeat fear in your life
How to defeat fear in your life.
Fear is:
F= false
E= evidence
A= appearing
R= real
That is what fear is. It's that small voice in the back of your head saying, "You can't do that. Are you crazy?"
"That will never work?
It will overrule everything else if you let it. It will get you to believe it is real. Faith needs no evidence to know that it's real, but fear will have to present evidence that you will fail.
Faith is the confidence, the assurance of things not seen, you can't see God but yet you believe. You say to yourself, "I don't know when it is going to happen, but I know it will." I don't have to see it to believe it.
Fear says "See there is nothing happening in your life. You have a generational curse on your life.You can never accomplish that."
So tell me then,how do we make sense of so many testimonies about things that make no sense at all? Like a person's mortgage getting paid off, a business being given to you, which actually happened to a friend of mine, someone gave him their business that makes 50k a year!
I can remember when our praise leader was healed after a sickness in his throat. Someone else who I knew who had stage 4 cancer goes back to the doctor, and they tell her it's gone. These unexplained miracles keep us in faith. I know that I am the perfect example, getting a mortgage when I had no business to. I got a home for 40,000 less than every home on the market, and then I quit my job the day after the closing, and he still took care of me...come on now... These were all God stories.
It doesn't make sense. How are you going to do this? How did that happen? You are dumbfounded. There is no answer. You can't explain it. It is like a miracle. When you hear something, listen! Don't doubt, and don't question it. See, this is our problem, we are trying to process this through a human mind, but this, my friend, is God.
We ask how he can cure the blind? Feed thousands with 3 fish and 2 loaves of bread? Turn water into wine? Defeat thousands with only hundreds?
He is God. He can and will do anything,see nothing is impossible for him, and the only thing he asks from you is that you believe that is faith.
Fear says you're not going to make it. It is based on the facts, and it tells you don't believe in what God says. There is no way your mortgage will be paid off. How many people with stage 4 cancer survive? Fear shows you statistics and tells you it can't be done.
It pounds it in your head... you're broke, you'll never get anywhere. You are too old to find a mate or that you will never make it. Look at your parents and grandparents, you have no chance, why are you even trying.
It will tell you, look how long you've been serving God. Where are your blessings? Your God is not answering you. Give it up already!
Faith is when you refuse to believe in false evidence because God told you, I can move mountains. I can produce results in your life, even if you suffer, even in your loss, you will recover it all in the end, just believe. Believe that sooner or later, it will be your season. That you will get it all back, trust God because he is able! You don't have to see it to believe it. That is faith, and that is how you defeat fear in your life.
So today, my friends, take a stand against fear, stop being paralyzed by fear. Stop listening to those voices in your head and start listening to the voice in your heart that says you have faith. Believe that all things are possible, that I can do anything because you are the child of the most high God! You got this, I believe in you. You can do this, let go of fear, and grab on to faith!
"Be the change you want to see,"
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