Peace of mind over money
Peace of mind over money
So if you know me or follow me you know that money isn't the end all, be all for me.
I walked away from a huge lifestyle in order to find happiness. I would rather eat peanut butter and jelly in peace than lobster while being miserable. For me, my peace of mind is worth what more.
I remember every time I spoke to a friend of mine, she would say, "I'm going to hell, or I just came home from hell." She was, of course, speaking of her job. For 10 years, she worked in hell. I couldn't understand that. Why? Why put yourself through that when there are so many jobs out there?
If I feel that way about a job, a client, a relationship, and yes, even a friendship, it's over. If it's not working for you, if you are miserable, why are you there? If Covid taught us anything, it's that life is too short. You could be dead tomorrow, miserable and unhappy.
No, I'm sorry money is not that important that I will lose my soul again. I have always been a hustler, I know that God will see me through as he's done so many times before. I am not worried. But I refuse to let someone, anyone, make me feel less than. To make me cry on a daily basis or to suck the joy out of me and my life. It's not happening ever again.
Now I get some people who are scared. Scared of finding another job or another relationship, and yes, it is scary, but fear keeps you stuck. Stuck somewhere you don't want to be, and isn't it worse to stay stuck and unhappy because you are afraid of the unknown?
I can tell you when I was buying my home I worked for this horrible boss, horrible. Every day when I got off the exit, I broke out in hives. I prayed, I cried, I even annotated her office, but nothing helped. I couldn't leave as I was right in the middle of buying my home.
On the day of the closing, I sent an email with my two weeks notice. Did I have another job? Nope! I walked out on faith. Yes, I had just bought a new home, I had 2 girls to take care of. I only got 250.00 a month child support, but I knew God would provide. And guess what? He did! My business took off magically, and I was okay.
Was I scared, yes, but I couldn't be put in a situation that felt like my abusive marriage again. So I jumped with no parachute and prayed.
So today my friends remember, money isn't everything if you're miserable.
Money doesn't make you happy or give you peace of mind. Only you can do that, and only you can be the change you want to see.
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