Stop being so overwhelmed
Stop being so overwhelmed
I know that as we come into this holiday season, it feels like we are constantly overwhelmed, and it feels bad. Living in fear also feels bad, and the stress that comes with both is a state of mind. We imagine ourselves being overwhelmed, thinking of all the “things” we must get done, and then we become more and more overwhelmed.
This is a cycle of fear that keeps us stuck in bad relationships, in horrible jobs, in letting others treat us badly because we are afraid to speak up, to demand change.
I know as I lived in fear, it ruled my life. I was afraid to leave, to speak up, afraid I wouldn't be able to take care of my girls. Fear kept me stuck.
I felt overwhelmed, so many things were coming at me. Just like so many others who are single mothers doing it all on their own or others trying to take care of their families. One of the biggest lessons that I learned was that I made myself sick with worry, literally.
I couldn't sleep, my hair was falling out, I lost a lot of weight and then came the heart palpation, which I thought was a heart attack. I was rushed to the hospital to learn it was stress! No shit Sherlock! And now I had to pay 2,000 for that brilliant diagnosis!
My Bishop later said to me, "Is all that worry going to change the outcome of the situation?"
Of course, the answer was no.
"So then why do it?"
He asked. Good question. That day changed my life as I don't let fear or being overwhelmed rule my life anymore. I have learned to let go and let God. You, too, can look to whatever higher power you believe in and let it go.
So today, my friends remember that whatever you are stressing about is not going to change the outcome of the situation. So why do we waste so many emotions on this? We need to realize that life will always throw good times and bad times at you. Sometimes it will be really hard and sometimes life just glides by. But we must always know that the sun eventually shines after the worst of storms. You will shine again too, just hold on and don't let life overwhelm you.
"Be the change you want to see,"
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