The older we get, the more we realize what is important

The older we get, the more we realize what is important

It's a shame that so many people wait until they have more years behind them than in front of them to realize this. Unfortunately, many people never come to this realization. We grew up in this overabundant society. We want bigger houses, more money, fancy designer bags and clothes and of course in the last few years, more likes, more strangers giving us accolades.

I can not lie, growing up poor, I wanted this. I thought having it all was the most important thing. It was success. But as I got older, I realized that was nothing. Money doesn't buy you happiness. Having likes doesn't make you less lonely. I realized this is not what is important in life.
What really is important is who has your back in life. Do you have a family who loves you? Have you done good things with your life? 
These are the important things in life. 

As I was watching the Sylvester Stallion documentary, he said that as he was running after fame, he didn't realize that he was neglecting his children. He now realizes that they are the most important thing to him. But he wasted all those years with them.

Life goes by in the blink of an eye. One moment, you're 20 and in the prime of your life, and the next, you have more years behind you than in front of you. Poof! Just like that. 

So today, my friends, this is what I've learned along the way, better late than never.
I've learned that peace is better than being right.

I've learned it's okay to love someone from a far if they are toxic. Even if they are family. Your mental health is too important.

I've learned life is too short to hold grudges, and there is no correcting it when that person is no longer here.            

I've learned to forgive, not for them but for me. To let go of anger and bitterness that will eat your soul. I've learned that we will all have heartbreak in our lives, but not having love in our lives is not living. Keep taking chances.

I've learned that money isn't everything your happiness is. 
Look deep inside and before it's too late and learn what is most important in your life. 
"Be the change you want to see"


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