I will always see the best in people
As long as I can remember I have always tried to see the best in people, yes we all have our faults, (see me raising my hand!) But I have always tried to also see the good in people, who they truly are in their heart and soul. Yes they maybe a bullshitter but you can call them at four am and they will be there for you, yes they may be self centered but you know that they have deep and meaningful conversations with you, they may be negative but would gjve their shirt off their backs for you. Its not that I dont see the bad things, I choose to focus on the good things about them. So even when I am hurt by someone I choose not to let it affect my outlook or dump everyone in one box, you know people who have been hurt then say "all men are no good!" I heard that for more years that I choose to remember from my grandmother. No all men arent bad that would be like saying all women are bitches and I know some incredible women! Hell I am an incredible women and if you cant see that its all good, its your loss! But I will not let one person or.one incident darken my views on the whole. I will still have the belief that people are basically good and have good hearts. No I am not naive and yes I probably will get hurt more than most but it still will not change my views. See this is the core of who I truly am ,this is my heart and soul so I hope that when you look at me and see my faults(yes there is a "s" at the end of that) that you will instead look past and try to see my heart.
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