The lessons I've learned on vacation part two
There were.many lessons that I've learned from my vacation home trip ,the first lesson is that you can come home, even after twenty-five years ,that home is where your heart and soul is,where you go to get refreshed and renewed. That the people that have known you all your life will be there for yiu without judgment or criticism but with open arms and love because.they know the very core of who you are.
I write everything that happens in my life, I am book to everyone because I want to try to inspire others and show them that no one is perfect (sometimes we just put on a front to pretend we are) but we have all made horrible mistakes and if.we cant talk about them how.are we.suppose to learn from them. So when I came home it.wasnt with my head hanging low, thinking how I failed at my life, no I owned the mistakes I have made , I talked about the lessons I have learned, I was honest about what happened and I was proud of how I took back my life, how I found myself again and how grateful I was to be able to come full circle and come back home. There are no failures if you learned a.lesson, there is olny failures if you repeat your mistakes.
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