The lessons I've learned on vacation

Everyone goes on vacation to relax and take it easy after a year of hard work. Then.some people go to clear their minds, try to get prospective on things without every day life getting in the way. I went this year to do both,its been a.long hard soul searching year for me ,there are all kinds of things changingin my life and it feels like like iI havent even caught my breath without another change that comes. But last year as I laid on the floor lost and broken I gave up, no not on life I gave up trying to figure everything out on my own, I gave up worrying,I let go because I had no where to go and I needed help and was not to proud to ask for it. So I let go and let god that simple and my world changed yes just like that! Things started to happen, doors open,I had undying faith that my life would change and he.made it possible. I started a business after being out of work for eight months, my business took off, I decided to change my situation at home and I did. I took control of my own life, I took back control ,that I had gave away so many years ago. I finally felt peace and joy that I had lost so many years ago, because I went back to church.(you may find your peace and joy from somewhere else this is.where I found mine) I realized what I am worth and refused to let anyone treat me any other way. So this vacation I needed to go home, home where my heart is ,where I feel loved and gounded,this is what Ineeded to ccomplete my journey,to finish making me whole again. So for me coming home is a full circle moment ,I started.there twenty four years ago a strong,independent women who wouldn't take crap from anyone,I knew who I was ,I liked who I was,I was good with my life and myself! Somewhere in those twenty four years I lost her ,I gave it away and now twenty four years later I was back ,I was that women again..... to be continued


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