Your outlook determines your outcome!
I am a big believer in your outcome.determines your outcome,if you say over and over "I cant do that", you will not be able to. If you say "nothing good ever happens to me" ,it won't! Ever have a morning where you wake up late, you stub your toe running to the bathroom as you say "why does this always happen to me?", then as your getting out of.the shower you slip and bust your ass and while your laying on the floor you say "what eles is going to happen to me and dam when was the last time I cleaned this rug?" Well you just put it out there and the universe answers all of your prayers and says ok here is some more, so as your running to the car your coffee spills all over your white shirt,you curse again "see bad shit always happens to me!" Universe answers ok I thought we were done here but ok if you say so here's some more. You try to start the car and yup you guessed it ,not starting! Well you asked for it ,it.always happens to you, the universe doesn't want to disappoint you, so they give it to you! Do you get it?? For years I was told I could never make it on my own, I was put down and belittled and I started to believe it, I lost myself I thought I was olny destin for bad things, until one day I started.taking back my power and learned my outlook determines my outcome and started living by those words. I can do anything I set my mind to,be it standing up for myself, a marathon,jumping out of a plane or having this incredible faith that this book is going to become the New York Times bestseller list book! I dont say maybe... it wont happen to me... its impossible... NO ! I say with conviction and with a.undying faith that this is what is going to pass!! I put it out there I asked for it, it shall be.!! Law of attraction! Great book everyone should read it ,or dont ,read the bible, its in there as well "ask and you shall.receive" So my outlook is wonderful,it has joy and peace,prosperity and the belief that anything is.possible!
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