Strength,faith and determination

I am a big believer in everything happens for a reason and it is proven over and over for me . Like when something is weighing on my mind and I go to church and the message is for me! Well yesterday the Bishops message was definitely for me ! He spoke about how you had to have strength to keep enduring through difficult times, to keep fighting even when you want to give up. When I was at the lowest point in my life I didnt think I could go on, but I keep fighting to overcome what life was throwing at me. Faith: we need the faith to believe we will get through this ,faith to know god has great things in store for us. I have always believed that I wasnt going to end up where I was, just as I have an undying faith that this book I am writing is going to be a New York Times bestseller! Yes people dream and believe big! If your asking why are you asking for money to pay rent why not ask for a large waterfront home you own? But do you believe what you ask for ? Do you have faith? Determination:The force that.keeps you moving forward, that even when you fall down,its get you back up. That no matter how bad it may seem you will go on,you will.not quit or lie down and die. That no matter what life throws at you, how battered and bruised you may be ,you will cross that finish line. I watched a video once with these two women running a marathon towards the end they were so drain and beat up one of the women's legs gave out and she fell the other one who was also dead tripped and fell also they both tried to get up but their legs wouldn't let them, again and again they tried but couldn't stand . When finally one of them started crawling on her stomach to cross the finish line, then the.other one followed suit, they both crossed the finish line on their stomachs, that is determination! Nothing was going to stop them that is the determination that the bishop is talking about! For me it will be no matter how many no's I get , I will get this book published ,I am that determined ,I have that much faith ,I have the strength because of all I went through gave it to me! So do you have the strength,faith and determination to overcome anything?


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