I will always be a New Yorker...
No matter where I live, I will always be a New Yorker.Yes, I have lived in Florida for 24 years and don't get me wrong there is not a more beautiful place than the beaches here. I love the warm winters and the way we can wear shorts all year long and the most important thing there is no snow and bone chilling cold. If I end up here another 30 years I will still and always be a New Yorker. I remember growing up in this small, I thought, hick town, my family all lived in the city, my mom grew up in Harlem, her whole family lived in the Bronx, my dads whole family lived in Long Island. Every weekend when all the city people were rushing up to the country, we were running into the city. I loved the city, the lights, the action, the plays, museums, the music, to me nothing compared to it, that was until I fell in love with a country boy and my eyes were opened to things I never knew existed. He showed me waterfalls so beautiful it took your breathe away, streams were while you fished, fish swam past your legs and made me scream. Hikes on the mountains, picking blueberries and black berries. He took me swimming in the lakes and camping by babbling brooks. He taught me how to shoot an gun and how to ride a motorcycle, how to drive a old stick shift truck. We fished, we went mudding,we water skied. I ate things I never thought I would, squirrel, deer, wild pig, even woodchuck, yeah I would have never thought so either. We enjoyed every bit of the outdoors there were and suddenly I was not such a city girl anymore, I was coming to love the country. Now don't get me wrong I still loved the city and jumped at every chance to go there and for some of you who remember,I still for the most part dressed and thought I was Joan Collins from Dynasty hats with veils and all but I no longer thought this was a hick town. For six years I saw and did more with him then I could have ever imagined and I loved every minute of it. I so miss my small town, the wonderful people I grew up with, how everyone knew everyone and cared about them. I miss the nature and I so miss the mountains and so yes, I can go anywhere in the world and have but New York will always be home and it will always have my heart. So as I am yet again counting the days to go back "home" I smile knowing my girls love these two places as much as I do and I am so glad I could show them the both sides of how I grew up and why I love it so much. So until then I will keep dreaming of home... www.treadmilltreats.wordpress.com www.beachbodycoach.com/treadmilltreats
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