Some times you have to pull the covers over your head and hit the snooze
Yes.... even me Miss Treadmill Treats occasionally hits the snooze and pulls the covers over my head.
I try to work out 6 days a week, I love working out , to me its like brushing your teeth, you just do it, its what you do.
But I am human and I work a lot of hours and I have two kids, homework, housework, bills, yard work and all the other stuff you must do to be a responsible adult just like all of you.
Even with all of that I still wake up every morning at 5 am and go to the gym before work.
But there are times that I am beat, that when I get home at 10 pm from working since 8:30 am, I am beat and when that alarm goes off at 5 am I want to throw it across the room and would except its my phone!and we all know how expensive these things are and besides the fact we know no ones phone numbers and we would be lost...
Sorry, drifting off the subject back to what I was saying, what was I saying? Oh yea lack of sleep, there are days where my eyes hurt to open them and yes even I press the snooze and sleep in.
And its okay the world isn't going to end if I don't go, I will workout later and I don't make it then , I will tomorrow, its okay.
I don't beat myself up, I eat pizza butni also usually eat well the rest of the week, there is a balance.
Life is too short, you have to enjoy life what if you deprived yourself of antipasto which was your favorite, for years you never ate it because its too fattening and you end up getting hit by a bus , wow for nothing you deprived yourself.
Have it , live life , eat that cake, sleep in late, skip out of work with your kids, its all all right!
Now if you will excuse me I am rolling over and hitting the snooze again see you in the gym tomorrow!
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