Learning to let go and let God.

We are all learning to let go and let God... and let me tell you from experience it is not an easy thing to do. We all think we got this, I can handle this until you find yourself on the floor waking up from a six day binge in stinking clothes, your face coveted in your own puke. It is then you finally realize, I can't do this on my own , this is way bigger than me, I need help, I obviously have screwed this up and I need to bring in the big guns to help take over. Yes, that morning while lying on that floor, I cried out for help and God heard my cries and I let it go and I let God take over and have been clean ever since. Yesterday my Bishop asked those who had an addiction problem and needed help, to come to the alter so that we could pray for them. So many people came and let go, I cried because I remember how my addictions held court for so long in my life, I never thought I could be clean, I never thought I wanted to be clean. Until you wake up one morning, sick and tired of being sick and tired. I realized that I was sick of hiding my hurt, I was sick of trying to cover my pain with booze and drugs, I needed to own my problems and since I knew I couldn't do it alone, I let go. So many people were there in the same boat I was in so many years ago, I prayed that they would find the peace I have found, that yes the road will sometimes be rough but it is so worth it! I had to learn this lesson a few times when I was married, lost in a sea of dispare, I was dying inside until the day I knew I couldn't do it anymore that was the day I fell to my knees and let it go. Yes, he gave me the strength to let it go, walk away, start a new life. All I had to do was let it go, believe that it could happen and have faith in him. I know I am going through a rough spot now, I know where I am going, but I want it now! But yet again there was a message I needed to hear, let go, God's got this, don't worry. Pray or worry, you can't do both. I chose to pray and let God worry. So today when your problems seem to big to face, when you don't think you can survive yet another day, let it go.... You will be amazed at what will happen even if you need to hear the message over and over, don't worry he has you covered, and will help you with that too. So repeat after me let go and let God... www.treadmilltreats.wordpress.com www.beachbodycoach.com/treadmilltreats


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