You choose to have peace in your life. ...

Every one is always talking about finding peace in their lives, is there is chaos in your life? Is there is always so much drama around you? you never get a minutes peace and you wonder why is life doing this to you? Is this you? Are you thinking you will never have peace? I have to tell you and you might like this, but I am not Willy Wonker, I do not sugar coat things! Stand up and be accountable for your life, peace is a choice , you choose to have peace in your life! Simple huh? Yes, you choose to have peace, Its up you. I write a lot about choices because that is what life is about! Yes, things will get thrown at you, life is not always going to be a bed of roses! Get over it,it is what it is! But its about how you chose (there is that word again ) to deal with it,that will make or break you. I write every day, I write about my story, about what got me to where I am today. It was my choice, to give my life to God, because I was broken and hurting, I was lost and dying inside, I chose to believe I could do it, even when everyone including my own mother said I would never make it on my own. I chose to be happy, I chose to be positive every day, I chose to have peace and joy in my heart. How do I do this? I let go and I gave it all to God, I can't do this on my own, look what a mess I made of my life without him. I chose to pray and let God worry, nothing changes when you worry, nothing! So why do it then? I no longer worry about anything! I chose to be grateful each and every day, even when things are falling apart around me, even in the face of the storm, I know he is there for me, I know I will be alright. This is a test, to see how great my faith is, to teach me a lesson, but no matter what I know it will get better. The bible talks about seasons, we all have seasons in our life, we have wonderful seasons and yes,we will have hard seasons we will have to endure but its up to us to hold on to our faith, to keep praising and keep thanking him for what we do have. I chose to live, to give him all the glory with all that I am because I know I will be alright. I chose not to complain about what I don't have and give thanks for what I do. Oh, here's a big one that most people can't or won't do I chose to change, change me, change bad habits, change my surroundings, even change the people in my life if that is necessary to make my life more peaceful. Sometimes change is tough but without change you will not get to your gaols, your dreams and your peace. So today you say you want a peaceful life? Here are the steps to help you get there, now it is your choice to do something about it. Remember chose wisely because you only have one shot and life is way too short!


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