What makes one person think they are better than another?
This question has always gotten to me , really what makes one person think they are better than another?
Believe me there are plenty of people who feel this way.
Hell, my ex was a perfect example of this, he use to put down my blue collar friends, like they were below him because they weren't like his friends who were Doctors or attorneys.
What does a few letters behind your name automatically make you a better person? No, sometimes it just makes you a bigger jerk, with some letters behind your name, lets get real!
The fact that you have more money, oh thats a big one, if you have more money and for alot of people its because they
just got lucky their parents were born before them, that's it.
Yet, they will look down on others that don't have money, really money buys class? Money makes you a better person? Money gives you a heart? Please! Again money just makes you a jerk in a nicer suit.
I am still trying to get over the jerk from Sunday not only was he a racist against his own people, but because he had money and an education he thought he was so much better than the rest of the world, wow do you have any other wonderful qualities you would like to share?
What makes you ignore a homeless person? Not talk to the cleaning man at the gym? Act like the cashier at the store owes you a living? Talk to a waitress like they are dirt? What makes you think your better than another human being?
Did you know the cleaning man supports his whole family?that he saved and paid for all of them to come to this free country that he dreamt of for years?
Did you know the waitress dropped out of school to care for her sick mother, she serves drunks like you on the night shift and still has time to helped others out as well?
Did you know that cashier was a single mother of three when her husband walked out and left her penniless, she didn't want to go on welfare so she took the only job she could find?
That homeless person was once successful, yet he did drugs to hide his pain of being abandoned by his dad and being raised by a drunk mother, he lost his company, his money, his family because no matter how nice the suit was underneath he still didn't feel worthy?
Of course you don't, you would never stop and take the time to talk to them, you judge, you see what you want to see and you walk by without a side ward glance.
Remember no matter how many letters you have behind your name you are still human, you are no better than anyone and when you die guess what? you will be buried in the same ground.
The difference then will be, you will not have people coming to remember the wonderful life you had, all kinds of people coming and crying over a kind and caring person who was taking too fast and who had lived an incredible giving life.No you will probably die alone with only the people you have to pay to be with you and be buried alone as no one will grieve your life.
So today remember how you treat someone else, remember that is a person with feelings, who has a story and a heart.
But most of all remember this bible quote:
There before the grace of God goes I.....
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