It's the little things

Tuesday Treadmill Treats

It's the little things...

This long holiday weekend reminded me once again that it is the little things in life that mean the most.

I got to have my girls all weekend to myself, we cooked all day on Wednesday, on Thanksgiving morning they wanted to feed the homeless in a local church  on the way there and the way home we had the windows open and we were all singing loud and off key.

I watched my girls giving back to the world and it brought me to tears, that they are becoming such compassionate and caring young woman.

We came home and they helped me set out lunch and we all sat around, still feeling blessed for all we have and for being able to do something for others.

I got to spend thanksgiving with my best friend for the first time in years as he was on a lay over close by.
We got to decorate my tree, like we use to when we were kids, back at my mom's house. We laughed and joked about how long we've been best friends, it was so nice to now be doing this with my children.

Later on my other best friend, her daughter and some of my kids friends came for dinner. While holding hands and saying grace, I can say I am truly grateful for my life now.

Afterwards we sat around the fire pit, we danced ,we laughed and we made memories that will last a lifetime.

The rest of the weekend we shopped, went to the beach, chilled at home, it was a perfect weekend. It was about making memories, it was about family and friends, like it supposed to be. It was about being grateful for all we have.

I remember days not so long ago, being in the big house, with the fancy cars and fancy friends and not being grateful. I was so unhappy and in such a dark place. All the money in the world couldn't change that, no, I might not have that now but what I have now is priceless...I have laughter, I have love, I have peace and joy in my heart, I awake every day with a heart of Thanksgiving, I don't need a day to be thankful, I am thankful every day, for all I have.

Now, it's about the little things, singing in the car, laughing while we're cooking, dancing in the kitchen...the little things so many people take for granted.

So today my friends, remember it's the little things that make memories, live in the moment, give back, love big, laugh often.... that is when you will know how much you truly have to be thankful for.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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