Stinking thinking
Tuesday Treadmill Treats
Stinking thinking
I am convinced that most people's situation in life is based in their stinking thinking.
Yes, things will happen in your life that will suck, plain and simple but it is how you look at them, how you deal with them and what you say that will change your outcome.
If you walk around and say "Oh poor me, what else can go wrong, nothing good ever happens to me, see this always happens"
Yes, we all know people like this, hell this could be describing you right now, be honest.
You know what? Your right nothing good will come to you, yes, other crappy things will happen because what you put out there will come back to you!
Hello! The law of attraction, The Secret, yes even in the bible, it said this.
I just finished my book (look for it soon on the New York times bestseller list, see how this works?) While I was editing it I was crying, I had some horrible, dark, knock you to your knees times in my life, yet I've always had a positive attitude.
I always considered myself a survivor not a victim,
I always picked myself up, dusted myself off and went on, not carrying hatred or anger, trying to learn a lesson from those dark times and trying to share with others mine and my Aunt Nancy's favorite quote. "This too shall pass"
So here are 3 critical areas that you must invest in to change your life:
1-Your mind-
You need to get rid of those why me, poor me, this always happens to me attitude. Kick that thinking to the curb.
2-Your attitude -
Some of you have such bad attitudes, people don't even want to be around you, your mean, your negative, you think your the only one things happen to. Surprise your not, get over it.
3 - Your responses-
Yes, how do you respond when things happen? Are you quick to yell and scream? Quick to judge or blame? Change it, speak what you want to happen, find a lesson, look for the positive. Take a different spin on things.
So today my friends, remember you have the power, what you think, what you put out there, what you speak.. its all in your power and only you can change that.
"When trouble comes your way consider it an opportunity for great joy"
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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