Time spent with my girls is priceless

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Time spent with my girls is priceless

Having teenagers is a hard thing...they have their own lives, their own friends, they are trying to figure out who they are and they want to do it all on their own.

Yes, I remember being a teenager, my friends were my world, I couldn't wait to get out of the house, to do my own thing. I get it but when your a parent you want to spend time with your kids, you want to be a part of their lives, even when they don't want you to.

I know that I have been blessed, working for myself gave me the opportunity to be room mom in my girls class rooms, to be PTA mom, to drop off and pick up my girls every day from school.I got to be involved in every field trip, every school function.

I got to help with homework and cook dinner with them, we sat together every night as a family and ate together. They knew they were loved and wanted and that I truly wanted to spend time with them and not just because I had to.

During the divorce it got tough, we slipped apart, maybe I was focusing on keeping it together, maybe they were angry that I was breaking up their family, as dysfunctional as it was.

This time had to be the worst time in my life, I felt like I was losing my girls and my heart was breaking.
I gave them space and I prayed alot, I decided I wasn't going to talk about their dad, I was going to let them find out who he was on their own.

I prayed alot... I was always there for them, I told them I loved them but I wouldn't push them. Eventually they realized how happy I was after the divorce, how peaceful and calm my new home was and how I was still mom and we were still a family, just in a new and different way.

This weekend when my big one called me on Halloween night crying that one of her friends left her at 3 am. I went to pick her up and took her to get waffles at 4 am to make her feel better.

The next morning with a house full of their friends,
I made breakfast and we sat around laughing and talking about our nights, we hung around in our pj's all day watching movies and eating.It was a great weekend we got to spend together.

I realize times like these are priceless, this is what I live for, spending time with my girls, a house full of laughter and love, there is no better feeling.

Yes, I will blow off a date, a concert, anything when my girls want to spend time with me...because I know  what's it like to be a teenager and I know how precious these moments are.

So today my friends, remember life goes by too fast, be there for your kids, be present in their lives because before you can blink your eyes, they will be gone onto their own lives and you will have missed it....never miss a priceless opportunity to be with them.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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