You just never know...
Tuesday Treadmill Treats
You just never know. ..
Last night as I was rushing from my 3rd job to try to get something to eat at one of my favorite jamerican restaurants I got in my car. There wasn't a car next to me but as I was backing out I hit something, it was a car next to me who was pulling in at the same time.
Oh crap I thought, I don't have time for this I can't believe this happened. I got out of the car and I apologized, I didn't see anyone there as I was backing out I told her.
Her car had a big scape along the side and my front side panel had one as well.
I said I guess I'm not going to make it to church now, she said me either. I asked which Church and yup you guessed was The Faith Center, my church.
We both started laughing, we were calm and didn't get mad, we spoke of accidents and how it can happen. As we were waiting for the police to come I asked how long she had been going there, she told me 9 years. I told her I was part of the singles ministry and had been there 3 years. She said she never joined or participated in anything as she felt the church was too big but lately after Bishop sermon about not just going to church being part of a church, she had been thinking about it.
I told her how much fun we have in the singles ministry and how I am waiting on the prison ministry as they were getting a program together for young girls in need. I spoke of all the wonderful people who I work with in our other ministries and how much good they do.
We talked for a while and after the police exchanged all of our information she turned and said to me
"God has a plan for everything and I believe this was part of his plan, who know this would happen and that you touched my heart to want to come and help in ministry, there are no accidents where God is concerned, I am sorry this happened but I am so glad I met you." We hugged and promised to keep in touch, I told her to call me and I will introduce her to the different ministries we have.
I know it could have been another way, I could have gotten mad, she could have came at me, it could have ended bad but we both realized nothing changes when that happens, accidents happen and sometimes accidents happen for a reason...if your open to hear the message.
So today my friends remember, not everything is as it seems even in the unlikeliest events God is working for your good.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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