God has favor over my life

Treadmill Treats Monday Message

God has favor over my life

I write this blog every day for the last 4 years and I tell you, my readers my whole life. The good, the bad and the really ugly, I tell it all.

I have been through some of the worst things a person can go through in life, rape, a horrible abortion, suicide attempt, drug addiction and alcohol abusive, losing way to many loved ones, and abusive marriage. I've been lied to, cheated on, been stabbed in my back by "best" friends. I have cried more tears than any one person should be allowed to and yet through all of that, in spite of that, I have always believed that things would get better, I always believed God had favor over my life.

It has never been more evident to me ,then in these last few years.
I walked away from my marriage on faith, I just starting a new business and we all know how that is, you are struggling yet he opened door after door for me.
He got me approved for a mortgage that I had no right to get approved for.
He gave me a home for 30,000 less than market value, he somehow got a total remodel done in 30 days, my credit cards magically had balances paid off.

He put people in my life who helped me with work for free or close to free. He made money appear just as I needed it to pay my attorney, who by the way, drastically reduced his fee for me, when my ex was taking me back to court.

He blessed me with a neighbor from heaven who recently gave me the money I so desperately needed for my air conditioning unit, money I gave to a so called best friend never to see her or my money again.

My latest God moment was when my house insurance went up, I called and they told me if I had hurricane shutters it would reduce my bill 30%.
I need air, I don't have money for shutters too...so I did what I do best I prayed and yet again he supplied my needs.

That night as I was reading my neighborhood paper a lady was selling.... yup you guessed it, shutters and she had the same unit as I did. I held my breathe and prayed as I asked her the price, when she said 150.00 I screamed thank you Jesus. Shutters go for 3,000 new, definitely not 150.00 used, no this was yet again God showing me his favor over my life.

To top it off my friend from church helped me get them and bring them home in his truck. I have the best Church family, another blessing he gave to me.

I always love to tell my testimony to my church family and my girlfriend said "God has favor over your life, he has you...you believe, you have an undying faith and he keeps blessing you, over and over"

I know that, so even when I was going through yet another storm recently and it seemed everything was coming against me. I held on, I praised him, I thanked him, I prayed with a peace I had never known, that he would get me through and he did.
He gave me back what others had stolen, he filled my house with love, I had no worries because I know he has me in his hands.

I never had an doubt that my God will come through, as long as I keep doing my part, he will keep doing his part.

So today my friends, I tell you all of this because life is not always going to be sunshine and roses, there will be storms, there will be tears, you will feel like the whole world is coming at you. You need to hold on, you need to have an undying faith, you need to praise and pray your way through the storm, even when you can't see where you are going, that you think you can't make it one more day, hold on and know he is working for your good, learn the lessons you are supposed to learn from the pain and know he got this...you got this...God has favor over you and your life too.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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