The lessons I've learned this year

Thursday Treadmill Treats

The lessons I've learned this year

I live my life looking for the lessons in everything,
I know in every success, in every failure, in every heartbreak and in every joy there is a lesson to be learned.

This year taught me alot of lessons some great, some heartbreaking but these were obviously lessons I needed to learn and so I looked at all of them this way...what did I need to learn? Why did this happen and what's the lesson?

The beginning of this year I learned dreams that I didn't even dream of, can come true as I bought a home for me and my girls. This was truly a gift from God as I knew I couldn't get approved and find a home for 30,000 below market value yet he made it happen.

I learned no amount of money is worth staying at a job I hated, that my soul was not for sale and I quit and walked out on faith right after buying this home. (Yes, I know crazy right? Crazy big faith!)

I learned that doing something you love pays off big time, as I have the most incredible clients in the world now, I love what I do and helping others is my passion and purpose.

What you do for others will come back to you as so many incredible people stepped up to help me for things I did for them in the past. I was overwhelmed with the kindness of these people that helped me with my new home.

I learned that hard work pays off, that I could do this and so many other things I never imagined I could. It gives you a satisfaction that money can never buy.

Another lesson was that your never too old to learn something new as one of my best friends taught me how to build a fence and a paver patio.
And he also taught me the value of friendship as he took off a week of work to fly here and help me without taking a dime for any of it.

A painful lesson I learned was that sometimes other friendships weren't made to last the test of time and sometimes words cut you like a knife. I learned some people want to throw your religion in your face when it suits them, yet can cut down others with their same said "religion"

A priceless lesson I  learned, is that time with my girls is the most valuable thing I have and that we are a team.
We have fun together, we laugh and there is no stress like years ago, they are my life. I realize I got this... I am doing something good here..

I learned to set a goal and finish it, I wrote a book and published it when I said I would, all 497 pages. I am so proud of it and that it has already touched so many people's hearts and brought them to tears.

I learned that the truth hurts and some people can't handle it and will pull back on you but I can no longer not speak of things that hurt me and others.

Love taught me a huge lesson, that as much as you want to go back, sometimes you just cant, that the things that tour you apart before, are still there.
And you have to let it go no matter how much you love that person and will always love them.

The most painful lesson this year was the betrayal of my best friend. That was unexpected and knocked me to my knees. I was crushed that she could borrow money from me and not give it back knowing my circumstances, yet she did so without a backwards glance.

It has made me tougher, it shook my faith in people but it made me stronger with my faith and my God as I knew he would take care of me.
I didn't know how or when but I knew he would.

Months later, I went through the worst storm I could imagine, I thought this was supposed to be my year...what is going on?

Everything was coming at me....bills, people, work was bad, ex taking me to court, car breaking, friends taking sides, you name it it was being thrown at me. Yes, it was bad but all I could do was pray through the storm and be grateful for all I had, knowing that having my faith, it would all be okay...

Big, big lesson! Never give up, never stop having faith, never stop believing because months later, I got 2 unexpected checks in the mail, I won the court case, my friend gave me a deal on my car that needed fixing, work was booming and my guardian angel, next door neighbor Frank, gave me the money I needed for my air conditioning because God spoke to him and told him to do so.

I never doubted that God wouldn't come through for me not for a second. I knew he would take care of me if I kept believing and he did.

So as we close out this year of 2015 tonight, I will be remembering all the valuable lessons I have learned, I will give thanks that I am still here and that I have made it through.

I know this last year was just getting me ready for the incredible year that is coming. It has made me stronger, it taught me to keep the doors closed that are supposed to be closed, it taught me faith and love and most importantly forgiveness.
All of it has made me the better person I am today...and I am grateful.

So today my friends remember a new year is coming, great things are yet to be but don't write off last year without learning the lessons...what were your lessons from last year?...What were you suppose to learn?....It is only then you can move into the following year smarter, stronger, wiser.. ready for all the new year has to bring.
Happy new year to all!!

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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