Message from my mom

Tuesday Treadmill Treats

Message from my mom

Last week while I was making my sauce for Christmas, my daughters boyfriend was watching me and asking where I learned the recipe for the sauce from.

I started telling him stories of my childhood, growing up, upstate in a 100 year old farm house, how we would be making the sauce, then decorating the tree while the fireplace was on and Barbara Streisand was singing Christmas music in the background.

How my best friend and my cousins and I would decorate the tree as our moms would sit on the couch drinking pink squirrels (whatever that was, back in the day) telling us to move it this way or fix a branch over there.

These were wonderful childhood memories and it made me start thinking about my mom and how I missed her especially now that I am doing all of this by myself, I so wanted her to see I did it...even though she didn't think I could do all of this on my own.

A while later as I was trying to wrap all the Christmas gifts, I had a bunch of Christmas cards to write, as I grabbed one something fell out of it. I bent down and picked it up, as I looked at it, it was if it almost burnt my hand and I dropped it on the counter.

I stared at it, it was one of my my mom's real estate business cards from when she lived in New York and owned her office there. Where did that come from? Do you know how many years it's been since I seen one of those cards?

I looked at the Christmas card it came from it said "Thinking of you today and always, wishing you the best Christmas ever"

Well, I went into the ugly cry, I knew at that moment that was a sign from my mom, that was her telling me she was there, that she was thinking of me as much as I was thinking of her.

Signs like that give me peace, they let me know the people I love and miss are still with me, still watching out for me, guarding my steps. It let's me know there is a life after this one and a beautiful one that allows you to come back and touch your loved ones you left behind when they need it most.

The first mother's day after she died a butterfly came into my screened patio and landed on my coffee cup.

The day of her funeral the same type of butterfly circled around all of us and landed on her headstone.

Whenever life is really hard and I feel lost and alone, I walk outside and there will be that butterfly letting me know it will be alright just as she would have done if she was still here.

So today my friends, slow down to see the signs, know that even if your loved one isn't here anymore they are always with you.
And live life big, enjoy every day, stop to smell the roses, live in the moment, laugh often, be grateful, you are not promised tomorrow.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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