Hacking your life?

Hump day Treadmill Treats

Hacking your life?

We live in a world of technology and sometimes it's great. Want to know where a great restaurant is ask Suri, want to find out when the first soap opera came on, like me and a friend's mom did yesterday...Google it.
Want to buy something and not have to go to 10 stores to compare prices...eBay here I come.

You can keep in touch with family around the world, find friends you lost touch with 30 years ago, you can even find love online, okay I am so not going there as I olny seem to find creeps online....wait what was I talking about..yes, technology can be great.

But there is that dark side of technology that isn't so great, I guess it's the price we pay for all the good it gives us.

It has made this generation isolated, not knowing how to hold a conversation. It has made people stupider not having to learn how to spell or write or even write there names in cursive.

People don't balance their check books, pay their bills or do the simplest tasks as we all have the computer do it for us.

I am guilty of technology,
I write my blog on my phone and last week when I got a new one and lost a bunch of information I was lost, Hell I can't even remember my kids phone numbers and actually had to write it on a index card and keep it with me incase something happened to my phone, how bad is that?

It has also made criminals smarter, it made their jobs easier, with a few clicks they can find out your whole life, where you live, birthdays, jobs, social security nubers, it's all floating out there in cyber space, waiting for some theif to come by and swap.

They can catfish you in the dating world by taking others pictures and pretending to be someone eles... I must have some kind of bait on my profile because I am a magnetic for catfish but a least I am getting to be an expert in spotting them right away and throwing them back.

They can steal your identity, get credit, buy things you can't afford yourself.
They have even went so far as hacking into Facebook now. Recently one of my best friends sends me a private message through Facebook, it didn't sound like he talks so I called him.

Sure enough he was hacked, he couldn't get into his own Facebook account. The person doing it was so smart, they had all of his information and was friending  people, talking to people. For what reason would someone do these things? It's beyond me....what don't you have a life? If your that smart that you can hack into an account, why not do some good with that? 

Yeah, yeah, I know not everyone thinks like me and there are some crazy, horrible people in the world who like doing nothing better than hurting others and trying to get away with illegal things but really to hack into Facebook?
Do you have no life??
Apparently not...

So today my friends, remember that the world is changing fast.
Some of it for our good and some not so good. We must remember to keep our eyes open and not give all of our brains over to technology because one day we might be left high and dry scampering looking for that beat up index card in our purses with all we couldn't remember on it.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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