It could have been another way
Hump day Treadmill Treats
It could have been another way
If you read my blog you know I go to the gym
5 days a week. I write this on the treadmill, hence the name treadmill treats but I am human and some days I just don't feel like getting out of bed, I work three jobs and I am tired.
Most of the time I get up with no problem and it's good to go but there are some mornings like this morning, I am dead... all I want to do is sleep and I hit the snooze a few extra times.
I am always at the gym at 5:30, I leave my house the same time every morning but like I said I was just pushing that snooze this morning and so I was running late.
I am big on everything happens for a reason and this morning was no exception, on the way to the gym the road was blocked, there had to be 30 police out there and I had to go around the block to come back around to get to the gym. As I did I saw a horrendous accident these cars were mangled beyond mangled. One was wrapped around a pole, the other one was cut in half, it was a mess. A shivered went through me as I was thinking, okay if I would have been on time...if I would have been here 15 minutes before...
You never know in life, how a guardian angel kept you safe. How God closed one door and even though you thought it was a great opportunity and you really wanted it, but it was no good for you. You didn't realize it until he opened another better door for you.
A friend may have lied and cheated you and it really hurts but maybe where your going to, it is better it happened now and not when you got to this place of greatness.
This man who you were "in love with, couldn't live without" but treated you like crap and for the longest time, the one you cried about losing but maybe the love of your life is coming and you couldn't miss out on that so that's why the breakup happened.
Maybe you had to experience loss to appreciate what you have...
Maybe you needed to hit the bottom to learn the faith and determination to get back to the top.
Maybe so many things we just don't understand happens because they are for our good even if it doesn't seem like it at the time.
Maybe we need to try to stop controlling everything in our lives and go with the flow...why do we fight so hard? Why must me be in control every second? Why don't we trust our instincts and God's plan for us?
I remember years ago before going into a out patient surgery, for 2 weeks before I had this heaviness in my heart, I couldn't shake it, something wasn't right but I didn't know what.
The morning of the surgery I walked around my house, like inwas looking at it for the last time, I held my baby trying to soak her in,
I cried all the way to the hospital... I still didn't trust my instincts and even when they were screaming don't do it, I did it and in the simple 15 minute surgery, the surgeon cut my Colon and I ended up with a 8 hour surgery to correct it, I ended up in the hospital for 3 weeks and I almost died twice from it.
I've learned the hard way to trust your intuition, I learned first hand... it can be another way.
So today my friends, remember there is a reason for everything, even if you don't see it now. Even if you think it's not the best for you, stop... listen to your instincts, let go of control and know there could have been another way...
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life was over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
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