Has everyone lost their minds?

Tgif Treadmill Treats

Has everyone lost their minds?

I don't know what's going on in this world anymore, people have truly lost their minds.

They are killing innocent people every day, someone's child, someone's mother, father, sister, friend...
They have no hearts, no conscience, no caring for human life. These are sick individuals with their sick agendas and they are willing to die for their causes.

Just in the last few months we had the mass killings in Orlando, we had senseless murders of black men and police officers and now this latest tragedy in Paris.

Why for what reason?
Hate, this is the bottom line of all of these killings, hate.

Pretty sad that just because you don't like someone's color of their skin, their lifestyle choices, their religious beliefs that some how in your petty, sick mind, you somehow justify it's okay to kill them.

I am ashamed to say I am part of this generation.The generation that one day people will look back at and say wow...look how many sick people this generation produced, look how many senseless killings happened.That this generation isn't standing up promoting love not hate like the generation before us did.

I refuse to promote hatred,
I will continue to promote love, tolerance and acceptance. I will show love to others and try to pay it forward whenever I can.
I refuse to be brought into the hatred that promotes more hatred, the us against them mentality.

No, I will not watch the news which tells you every day the world is coming to a end, to be afraid, to fear for you life every day.
No, I will continue to go on with my life because if it's my time to go, well so be it.

I am ready, I am not worried, I know I been the best person I could be, I know I've tried my best to help others, I know that hopefully my purpose and my words touched some people and I am good with all of that.

I refuse to let them win, to be afraid, to promote more anger and hatred, to get rilled up and act like a mob mentality.

I will be the light, just like my Bishop says, I will not hate but I will love and show love, I will forgive, I will show others what the true meaning of being Christian means.

So today my friends, let us all pray for all the victims yet again, let us show the world that no matter what, love will overcome hate, that we will stand together as human beings with one agenda...love

Let's stop asking the question, has everyone lost their minds?

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

***Now available***
My new book The blessing in Disguise
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