Long distance relationships

Thursday Treadmill Treats

Long distance relationships

In todays world dating sucks, lets be real.There are a lot of frogs out there and a lot of crazy ass women. It's hard dating but its especially harder the second time around.

When your older, you come with baggage, with years of unresolved issues, with preconceived notions of what it "should be"

Your set in your ways, you've been hurt by others and refuse to put up with certain things, you less tolerable, you want things your way or the highway.

But we have to remember no one is perfect, no one is coming in this age without some kind of baggage.

So when you meet someone who is kind, who is loving or loyal, who makes you laugh, someone you can count on even if they are 1500 miles away, you try to make it work.

Believe me I am speaking from experience, dating the last 3 years has been a trip to say the least. Men who lie about their pictures, their weight, their marital status, men with issues, men who just want to hook up, men who are married and want to hook up. Men who want you to spank them, who want you to do their makeup, who want you to to hold their leash while you walk them around the room on their hands and knees.

Hello, people I can't make this shit up! This was truly my dating history! So when you find someone, who is wonderful, even if they live 1500 miles away, you try to make it work.

But here's the thing, you are going to have to work harder, you are going to have to be more open in the lines of communication, your going to have to be more trusting, even if you've been hurt before, your going to have to try harder.

But nothing in life that's great, comes easy, you have to work for it. And this is no different.

Your trying to be a couple, yet still have a life while your apart. Your trying to have this relationship while you only get to talk or Skype. It's not easy, the nights you should be together after a long week, your by yourselves, your lonely, you miss them and long to be with them.

The other alternative is back to the dating scum pond and do you really want to go through that again?
So you try even harder, you try to see each other whenever you can, you try to work on being together and you make the most of it when you are.

So today my friends, if your question is does long distance relationships work? My answer is yes, if your willing to put the time into, if your willing to have even more lines of communication open and if that person is truly worth the extra effort. You have to decide that one on your own or I can always send you my list of the losers from above....

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

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