Why do we give more than we get

Why do we give more than we get?

As women we are taught to give of ourselves, to give your all, to your husband or your children, to our families, this is what we are suppose to do.

We don't realize that when we give all of ourselves that sometimes there is nothing left over for yourself. That all that giving leaves you empty.

I hear this over and over especially in today's dating world, that women are giving their all to these men who are taking and taking and not giving anything back. Hell I can attest to that as well. Making sure a man needs are meet, thinking what would make him happy? What would please him and then getting nothing, not even respect in return.

Oh yes, I've been there and yes, I am stupid enough to go back for more.Thinking maybe this time he will change, hoping that if you do this or that he will be there, he will love you more, do things back for you.

Yet it doesn't happen, come on...you knew it wasn't going to happen, so then you get mad and you back off, or you leave. He knows the game, he's an expert at it, so he will come back with just enough crumbs to suck you back in, maybe flowers, sweet nothing's he's whispering in your ear. Promises of change, begging you that "this time" it will be different. How many of you have fallen for that load of crap? Seriously? It's okay my hand is raised as well.

I have been so stupid that I have fallen for it multiple times and everytime my heart hurts more than the time last time. I think everyone has my heart and have learned the hard way that they don't. People have their own agenda, he wants what he wants, on his terms not yours.
Like it or leave it that is the way it is and will continue to be until you smarten up, until you find your self worth, until enough is enough and you've had it.

Don't beat yourself up, I always try to see the best in people. I always believe in change, so yes, I will try to believe that maybe something has clicked or changed. Maybe the time apart made him realize that he missed you, shook him into thinking what a great women he has. Don't fall for that, he hasn't had an epiphany, he's just waiting you out, because yes, you are good...for his ego, for his needs, on his time, when he can fit you into his schedule.
Believe me he has time for other things, just not you. He's not thinking about you when he has free time unless it's for that booty call that he wants.

Let's be real people this is the pattern, he has showed you over and over again and it's not changing unless you are changing it, like walking out that door for good.

I cannot give you a magic answer on fixing ourselves, if I had one I would have used it on myself years ago! It takes these lessons, theses broken hearts to realize that we don't want this anymore, ever...to start changing ourselves.

So today my friends remember nothing changes when nothing changes, when you don't change. You cannot give all of yourself to someone who doesn't appriciate it, to someone who is not giving anything in return. It's like going to work day after day, putting in your all and then not getting a pay check. How long would you put up with that shit? Not very long I can tell you that, this is the same thing but your losing more, your heart, your soul, your self esteem. Quit this loser today and get a man that will give as much as he gets. Because you deserve to get as much as you give.

"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"

**Coming soon my latest book:
The blessing in disguise.... revealed**

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My book The blessing in Disguise
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